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  • Written in C++
  • with SFML for graphics, input and audio
  • and Cereal for serialization
  1. Clone
  2. Build x86
  3. Enjoy

New Mechanics

Snakes now have 3 lives! Beware however, running into your own tail will leave bones in the playfield!


  • New mechanic
  • High score system
  • Sound effect triggers
  • Designed the graphics myself
  • Shortcomings

  • Moire pattern at some resolutions
  • Bug with running into bones not creating more bones

  • Disclaimer:

    Sound Effects sourced from [The Sounds Resource](https://www.sounds-resource.com/) and are used strictly for educational purposes in my portfolio.

    This game is not to be sold.

    No money is made from my Youtube content, or the content here on my portfolio website.

    All copyrights belong to original creators.