This is the first official dev log post for Project GAL.
Project GAL aims to fill the gap in my portfolio with a 3D game development project, enhancing my prospects in the video game industry job market. I aim to have this project in a playable state by the end of this month (September 2023) so I can include it on internship applications. This is going to be developed in parallel with my semester workload so that will certainly hold priority over this.
Originally, the project was a Western-themed 3D bullet-hell game. To ensure timely completion, I simplified it into a 3D rail-based Western gallery shooter inspired by Disneyland's Toy Story Midway Mania and the arcade classic Time Crisis
The initial dolly-track navigation presented camera challenges due to sudden directional changes.
I redesigned the path as a straight-track with player-controlled first-person aiming. Players can look around within set limits, improving immersion. A centered reticle follows mouse-controlled camera motion.
The player character was initially planned for 3rd-person POV but the complexity of 3D character rigging/animating is time-consuming and not vital at this time.
Opted for a 1st person POV to eliminate the need for any player character visuals outside the player's arm/gun.
Hardware limitations on my aging PC have affected workflow efficiency.
Utilize third-party low-poly assets and work in an isolated scene for creating prefabs of smaller objects
understanding control flow between Unity's Editor Mode, Play Mode, and the standalone executable "mode".
Learning many approaches to solve the control flow problem through articles, youtube and documentation, then deciding what works best for the game.
Player arm movement
- Gun-holding arm/hand doesn't follow aim/reticle
I will map the upper arm bone of the player model to rotate in accordance with the player aim/view camera movement.
Horse model animation
- Horse head is idle, needs animation
I will give the horse head a simple bobbing animation to imply the locomotion of the rest of the horse unseen by the viewer.
Gun doesn't shoot
- Gun has no shooting implementation yet
Using the raycast helper function in my Input Manager, I will detect projectile hits and animate the hit location, and score increment accordingly.
Start Menu UI
- Exists but isn't wired to events/actions
Using either Unity Events and/or a custom UI Manager with my custom event system, I will wire UI buttons to Input System Actions
Several elements are implemented and working:
The time spent on this project has already contributed to my growth as a game developer. While I haven't delved deeply into 3D game projects, this one has highlighted areas for improvement.
For instance, I've gained practical experience with object rotations and Quaternions, translating my knowledge from the Computer Graphics college course I took. I can then use what I've experienced in my practical use of these concepts in creating more dynamic in-game movement and animations.
Furthermore, this project has clarified the complexities of Unity's Editor/Play Mode dynamic, thanks to techniques like Tarodev's singleton systems. I will use this knowledge to build games with a more straightforward and user friendly architecture, allowing for code reuse in future projects. This will allow me to speed up prototyping new ideas.
Additionally, I've learned to accept help from tutorials while balancing my desire for independent problem-solving. This approach has deepened my understanding and appreciation of Unity's capabilities and will fast track my own ability for future projects.